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Caroline Giuliani Endorses Kamala Harris, Criticizes Father’s Alliance with Trump

Rudy Giuliani’s Daughter Backs Harris, Expresses Pain Over Father’s Loyalty to Trump


In a heartfelt and revealing op-ed for Vanity Fair, Caroline Rose Giuliani, daughter of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, shared her support for Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee. In her piece, Caroline described the personal anguish she has experienced watching her father’s political transformation and deepening loyalty to Donald Trump. Calling their relationship “cartoonishly complicated,” she mourns not only the change in her father but the broader impact Trump has had on American politics and society.

A Complex Relationship Strained by Politics

Caroline Giuliani’s candid essay highlights the immense strain that her father’s involvement with Trump has placed on their relationship. Once a celebrated leader and “America’s Mayor” after the tragic events of September 11, 2001, Rudy Giuliani has, in her view, become a casualty of Trump’s chaotic and destructive political influence. This relationship, which was already challenging, has only grown more fraught as Rudy Giuliani became a central figure in Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

Reflecting on their interactions, Caroline described her father’s downfall as being part of a broader narrative: “Watching my dad’s life crumble since he joined forces with Trump has been extraordinarily painful, both on a personal level and because his demise feels linked to a dark force that threatens to once again consume America.” For Caroline, this is not merely about her father’s political choices but also about a much deeper concern for the future of the United States.

Personal and Political Pain

The op-ed is filled with raw emotions and a sense of grief over what Caroline perceives as her father’s descent. She spoke of “grieving the loss” of her father to Trump, noting the complexities of loving a parent while condemning their choices. “Despite his faults, I love him. I’ve seen him experience surreal heights, and, now, unfathomable lows. The last thing I want to do is hurt him, especially when he’s already down,” she wrote.

Caroline’s anguish is palpable as she recounts a particular moment when she tried to dissuade her father from aligning with Trump. She pleaded with him in a New York City cigar bar, surrounded by what she described as “thick smoke and powerful men.” In this tense setting, she spent hours trying to convince him not to take on the role of Trump’s attorney, foreseeing the moral peril it would entail. Yet, despite her efforts, Rudy Giuliani ultimately became one of Trump’s most ardent defenders and paid a severe personal and professional price for it.

Rudy Giuliani’s Legal and Financial Troubles

Rudy Giuliani’s association with Trump has had far-reaching consequences. Last week, he was permanently disbarred from practicing law in Washington, D.C., due to his role in promoting Trump’s false claims of a stolen 2020 election. This decision effectively ended his legal career, a severe blow for someone who was once among the most respected prosecutors in the country.

Furthermore, Giuliani is embroiled in a series of legal and financial issues stemming from his actions during Trump’s presidency. He has been ordered to pay $148.1 million in damages to two Georgia election workers he defamed, a judgment that led him to consider declaring bankruptcy. Caroline noted how heartbreaking it has been to watch her father, who was once celebrated for his legal acumen, spiral into such dire straits.

Trump’s Impact on Close Allies

Caroline’s narrative also points to a broader trend of individuals in Trump’s circle suffering significant personal and professional setbacks. She emphasized that her father’s downfall is not an isolated incident but part of a pattern. “Many of those closest to Trump have descended into catastrophic downward spirals,” she observed. For her, this phenomenon reflects Trump’s corrosive influence and serves as a warning of what could happen if he were to regain political power.

Her comments resonate deeply, as many other former Trump allies, including his former personal lawyer Michael Cohen, campaign strategist Steve Bannon, and even long-time confidants like Paul Manafort, have faced legal challenges and public disgrace. Caroline’s fear is that if Trump is re-elected, the country could be pulled into another destructive cycle, risking the stability of American democracy.

Endorsing Kamala Harris: A Vision for the Future

Amid her personal grief and concern, Caroline’s endorsement of Kamala Harris stands as a beacon of hope. She cites Harris’s positions on reproductive rights, the economy, and foreign and environmental policy as key reasons for her support. For Caroline, Harris represents the antithesis of Trump’s divisive and erratic leadership style, offering a vision for a more stable and compassionate future.

“We need experienced, sane, and fundamentally decent leaders who will fight for us instead of against us, who will safeguard our democracy rather than dismantle it,” Caroline wrote. Her words reflect a longing for leaders who will prioritize unity and stability over chaos and discord.

Caroline, now 35 and recently engaged, expressed a personal stake in this election. She yearns for a future where she can raise a family without fear. “As a recently-engaged-to-be-married 35-year-old who hopes to feel more joyous than fearful about the potential of becoming a parent myself, I need to advocate for a future worth bringing children into,” she wrote. This desire for a better future is what drives her to speak out, despite the personal toll it takes.

A Daughter’s Pain and a Nation’s Dilemma

Caroline’s op-ed is not just a reflection on a strained father-daughter relationship but a poignant commentary on the current state of American politics. Her pain mirrors the broader conflict many Americans feel when confronting the deep divides within their families and communities. Her father’s journey from respected public servant to disgraced Trump ally is emblematic of the transformations that have occurred within the Republican Party itself.

As Caroline noted, the upcoming election is about more than any single candidate—it’s about the soul of the nation. For her, the stakes are incredibly high: “If we let Trump back into the driver’s seat this fall, our country will be no exception.” These words underscore her fear that another Trump presidency could push the nation further down a dangerous path.

Conclusion: A Plea for Unity and Decency

Caroline Giuliani’s endorsement of Kamala Harris is a powerful statement from someone deeply entrenched in one of the most complex political dramas of recent years. Her critique of Trump and plea for a different kind of leadership are both deeply personal and intensely political. She has chosen to share her story in the hope that it might influence others who feel disillusioned or conflicted.

Ultimately, Caroline’s message is one of love—love for her father, despite his flaws, and love for her country, despite its divisions. In endorsing Harris, she is advocating for a return to stability, decency, and a vision of America that is inclusive and forward-looking. Her words serve as a reminder that the 2024 presidential election is not just a battle for political power but a choice about what kind of future Americans want for themselves and their families.

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